
Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf
Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf

Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf

To get achievement, physical fitness was very important especially for students who joined extracurricular sports. Whereas for the female groups, the members of basketball, volleyball, and futsal were in the category of "less" lung endurance, while badminton members were in the category of "bad" lung endurance. The conclusions were that male members of basketball and futsal were in the category of "bad" lung endurance, while badminton and volleyball members were in the category of "very bad" lung endurance. For the female groups of basketball, volleyball and futsal members, they had an average VO2 Max between 31.0-34.9 ml/kg/ minute, while badminton members had an average VO2 Max between 25.0-30.9 ml/kg/ minute. The results of the study showed that male members of basketball and futsal had an average VO2 Max between 35.0-38.3 ml/kg/ minute, while badminton and volleyball members had an average VO2 Max less than 35.0 ml/kg/ minute. The instrument used was a multistage fitness test with a descriptive quantitative percentage data analysis. The research method used was descriptive quantitative with the research subjects of sports extracurricular participants of SMA Negeri 8 Malang numbering to 107 students 32 students of basketball, 26 students of badminton, 21 students of volleyball, and 28. This study aims to determine the condition of lung cardiac endurance (VO2 Max) of sports extracurricular participants at SMA Negeri 8 Malang. The results of this study showed 91.8% with very good criteria on strengthening character education (PPK) based on Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah during the covid-19 pandemic at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Nitikan Yogyakarta Information analysis by calculating the percentage of information on each indicator, then interpreting the percentage score information and analyzed descriptively on each indicator.

Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf

Collecting information using a survey method with a Likert scale. The number of samples in this study was 150 parents of students. The research method used is quantitative with a survey method. The purpose of this study was to determine the strengthening of AIK-based character education (PPK) during the covid-19 pandemic.

Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf

The role of character education is a very big concern in Muhammadiyah educational institutions, especially AIK subjects, character education is important in every learning process in an effort to achieve Muhammadiyah educational goals and organizational goals. The progress of science and technology that is unstoppable by physical strength with its various positive and negative impacts, is a strong reason to make character education the basis for an ethical defense in the face of the negative impacts of globalization, especially during the pandemic. Character education occupies a central role in the world of education which is a constitutional mandate.

Prosedur penelitian arikunto pdf