The Sonata of Awakening let's you awake the undead. For example,to play the Song of Time, Link would have to learn it by rembering when he was given the Ornicha of Time from Zelda. Note: Link will have to learn the songs that he can play. Bring out your insturment and press C-right, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-right, C-up, C-left. You have to have your Ornicha of Time to play this song. Bring out you flute thing and press C-down, C-left, C-Up. The song of soaring let's you warp from one bird statue to another. Once you have defeated the game, start a new game with a file name "LINKMAN". Get out your Ocarina and press Right-C, Right-C, A, A, Down-C, Down-C. Destroy a sign, then play the following notes on the Ocarina (The Song Of Healing): C-Left, C-Right, C-Down.